Unlike smaller and portable humidifiers you usually find in bedrooms or living spaces with houseplants. Whole house humidifiers apply the exact technology but on a larger scale, ensuring your home’s indoor air quality continually stays all year long.
Winter is notorious for bringing colder air, which is also more drier. With the lack of moisture in the air, our bodies are susceptible to the same effects. Without adequate moisture, our bodies suffer from dry, cracked skin and sore throats. As a solution, many choose a humidifier to supplement their indoor air with more moisture.
Installing a whole house humidifier in Richmond Hill gives you more control and targets more areas in your home. It’s directly built into your home’s heating and cooling system, so no heavy labour is required. It works by forcing water vapour, or humidity, into your ducts and around your home. The humidity levels are easily controlled and monitored by your thermostat – just like your indoor temperature.
Here’s why installing a whole house dehumidifier can benefit your Richmond Hill home:
There’s a reason why people get sick in the winter: viruses thrive in dry environments. This increases the possibility of catching a contagious illness, like the flu, colds, and other respiratory illnesses. Furthermore, low-humidity environments make people more prone to infections. When you add humidity to your home you increase your health and reduce the possibility of spreading viruses.
Indoor dry air can irritate those living with asthma, eczema, or other allergies. It can lead to sore throats, dry and itchy skin, and coughing. Whole house humidifiers provide better comfort and help you breathe easier all year round.
Keep your home protected. Dry air can cause damage to wood floors, plaster, furniture and electronics. By installing a whole house humidifier, you’re taking the precaution to protect your home and furnishings from the detrimental effects of dry air over the long run.
Increasing your home’s temperature doesn’t always make you feel warmer. Whole house humidifiers allow you to lower your home’s temperature without sacrificing warmth or comfort. This allows you to use less energy and save more than 4% on your heating bill for every degree you lower your thermostat. Making your home more energy-efficient during the winter.
Easily install whole house humidifiers in Richmond Hill into your home’s existing HVAC system. At Aire One, we carry top quality humidifier products, such as Aprilaire, Carrier, and York. Stop suffering from dry air and say goodbye to sore throats! This is your opportunity to finally benefit from controlled-humidity and superior comfort. Improve the air quality in your home, contact us for a FREE quote or to book an appointment for a whole house humidifier consultation.