Weather-wise, we Canadians need to be prepared. Furnace maintenance in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is particularly important when you consider how unpredictable our weather has been over the past few years. When it comes to preparing your furnace for its summer hibernation, the best thing you can do is schedule a summer maintenance inspection to ensure it’s ready for a stretch of inactivity.
Why so early?
It may seem strange, but when it comes to your furnace maintenance, the earlier the better. Preparing for summer means that you can handle any surprises Mother Nature throws your way. Extreme weather can lead to discomfort if you haven’t resolved your furnace maintenance issues. These situations will have you competing with everyone else in the GTA for a limited number of furnace maintenance professionals. Calling in summer means you won’t have to pay for emergency service during winter.
How to prepare your furnace for your summer inspection
There are important steps you can and should take to ensure your furnace is running safely and efficiently throughout the year and is ready for a period of inactivity throughout the summer:
- Clean around your furnace. Many people store junk near or around their furnaces. For the safety of you and your family, it’s best to clear this stuff away. They increase the risk of fire if your furnace malfunctions. A neat space around your filter also provides easier access for you and furnace maintenance professionals.
- Change your air filters. Filters protect your furnace from dust. Regularly changing your filters, even during the summer months, keeps your furnace working at an optimal level. It also helps to maintain a clean air quality in your home.
- Inspect your furnace. Check in to make sure your furnace isn’t making any strange noises or running suspiciously short cycles. Both of these issues may indicate problems that require professional work.
- Install a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide is the odourless killer. The only way to detect a leak is with a carbon monoxide detector. Every home should have one. It’s a necessary precaution in case something goes wrong.
Performing these tasks at the beginning of the summer season will help keep your furnace maintenance on schedule. A furnace that runs efficiently will save you money, keep your family safe and will benefit the environment.
So, why call an HVAC professional?
Simply put, they’re experts. You brush and floss your teeth, but you still need to book check-ups with your dentist. Booking a summer inspection with someone who specializes in furnace maintenance in the Toronto area is much the same. These specialists can inspect your furnace more thoroughly. Here are some of the tasks the experts can do:
- Clean areas you can’t see
- Clean ducts and inspect for leaks
- Check and test the burner and pilot light
- Inspect and lubricate all moving parts
- Make sure the temperature is correct throughout the house
The experts are more comfortable and confident when dealing with the workings of your furnace. For safety’s sake, it’s best to leave these more involved tasks to the experts.
So, this season consider calling the HVAC specialists at Air One Heating and Cooling to prepare your furnace for the summer. They’ll ensure your furnace remains at peak functioning condition allowing you to enjoy the warm weather now, and avoid a non-functional furnace when the cold weather arrives!